4th FIDE Council Meeting: List of decisions

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4th FIDE Council Meeting

Jerusalem, Israel

November 25, 2022




CM4-2022/01 To note President’s report.

CM4-2022/02 To note Treasurer’s report.

CM4-2022/03 To approve the FIDE budget for the year 2023 and provisional FIDE budget for the year 2024 and to send them to member-Federations for their information.

CM4-2022/04 To approve basic guidelines for playing venues of FIDE top-level tournaments.

CM4-2022/05 To approve the changes in General Provisions and Responsibilities for Non-Elected Commissions.

CM4-2022/06 To note FIDE Organisational Chart.

CM4-2022/07 To note the information from the Council’s Working Groups on their respective assignments/responsibilities.

CM4-2022/08 To note the GSC report.

CM4-2022/09 To approve adding of dates and venue as well as starting times to the World Rapid & Blitz Championships Regulations 2022.

CM4-2022/10 To approve the World Rapid & Blitz Championships play-off system as follows:

  • In case of tie for first place, the play-off should be played between all players in tie according to the tie-break systemto determine the World Rapid/Blitz Champion.
  • In case of tie for the first place, the play-off should be played between top two players in tie according to the tie-break system to determine the Women’s World Rapid / Women’s World Blitz Champion.

CM4-2022/11 To note the Arbiters’ Commission’s report.

CM4-2022/12 To approve the recommendations of the Arbiters’ Commission on Seminars, Classification upgrades, Amendments to the FIDE lecturer list, FA norms and titles.

CM4-2022/13 To note the Qualification Commission’s report.

CM4-2022/14 To approve the QC proposal in respect of the changes in Article 1.5.6 of the International Title Regulations.

CM4-2022/15 To approve the QC proposal in respect of the changes related to the use of gender pronoun word as well as minor wording changes.

CM4-2022/16 To approve the recommendations of the Qualification Commission on titles.

CM4-2022/17 To approve the GM title for IM E. Paehtz (GER).

CM4-2022/18 To note the PDC report.

CM4-2022/19 To note the Trainers’ Commission’s report.

CM4-2022/20 To approve the recommendations of the Trainers’ Commission on titles and Academies.

CM4-2022/21 To approve the Events Commission’s proposal regarding FIDE World Youth U-16 Chess Olympiad further to its finalisation.

CM4-2022/22 To send the proposal of the Events Commission about new Organiser titles to all National Federations for their comments following the final review by the FIDE Council.

CM4-2022/23 To request the Events Commission to update the proposal regarding parallel activities during FIDE World Cadet, Youth and Junior individual championships based on the FIDE Council input.

CM4-2022/24 To approve the recommendations of the Events Commission on titles.

CM4-2022/25 To note Continental reports.

CM4-2022/26 To note the information regarding 100th anniversary of FIDE celebrations.

CM4-2022/27 To approve the resolution on the Vanuatu Chess Federation.

CM4-2022/28 To hold the 2023 1st meeting in Mexico City in April 2023.